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Weekend routes



It is a paradise where you can breathe as you wish, in Bolu Mountain between Istanbul and Ankara, far away from the chaos of big cities with its clean air and natural beauty. It covers an area of ​​1.28 kilometers, at an altitude of 1328 meters from the sea. Deepest place
18 meters.

What can you do?

You can take walks around 6.5 kilometers of a fresh water lake covered with pine forests, you can take phaeton tours, ride on rented horses or bicycles. While the pine scented, oxygen-rich mountain air gives you vitality, the touristic facilities in the surrounding bring alternative activities to your holiday. The hotels have swimming pools, saunas, game rooms for children and adults, bars, restaurants, and the lake area is also a favorite of picnickers. You can have coffee or tea and relax in the cafes.

What can you get?

You can buy honey, tarhana, noodles, fresh and dried local fruits, handicraft wooden products from the village products market.

Nearby …

Those who come by private car can visit nearby centers such as Bolu, Mudurnu, Taraklı and Göynük with short journeys. You can stay in Mudurnu for a more economical accommodation and use Abant daily.



Akçakoca is connected to Düzce by a 37-kilometer asphalt road. The seaside of Düzce is the first holiday discovery place of Ankara residents years ago.

What can you do?

Akçakoca, which leaves a mark in the memories with its sea, sand, sunset, civil architectural structures, mountain strawberries, hazelnuts, is admired with its kilometers-long beaches, lush vegetation, historical castle, caves, waterfalls, plateaus, smiling people, and local flavors. The fishermen’s shelter enlivens the interior of the harbor as if reflecting the Black Sea fishermen’s fondness for bright colors. Boats entering and leaving the shelter all day long and fishermen who repair their nets create different images. Going up from the center of Akçakoca and the ramp behind the hospital, this time in the Upper Yeni Neighborhood, the houses, which are built with the use of red bricks between wooden carcasses, are admired with the use of red bricks, street overhangs, wooden bay windows, and their location inside the garden. The historical castle, which is said to have been built by the Genoese, is used as a recreation spot today. Karaburun Village, its beaches, Melenağzı, Edili, Paşalar Village, Aktaş Waterfall, Kız Kayası Water, Fakıllı cave are among the places to be seen in the surrounding.

What to eat?

You should try different types of fried fish in hazelnut oil and drink from the delicious and healing water on the 17th kilometer on the way from Düzce to Akçakoca.



Altınoluk and Şahinderesi Canyon, the pearl of the Edremit Gulf in Balıkesir province, are an ideal place for those seeking peace and health.

What can you do?

If you want, go to Kazdağı and take a walk in the canyon with the mountain air, or swim in the crystal clear blue of the Aegean sea. Altınoluk, which takes its name from the Şahinderesi Canyon and its golden yellow olive oil, is a Greek village, formerly known as Papazlık. The region, where both sea and mountain tourism can be experienced together, is famous for its oxygen-rich fresh air and olive oil worldwide.

If you leave the crowded city center and look at the uniquely beautiful mountain side, the canyon entrance, mountain view, waterfalls and ponds offer the eye, and the trout farms offer beauties that will appeal to your palate. Despite the rough mountain road at an altitude of 610 meters (Fidanlik location), it has a beautiful waterfall and nature structure that will make you forget all your tiredness. The Aegean fish swimming in the giant aquarium placed in front of the Altınoluk pier square are watched with interest.

Souvenirs with local characteristics, jewelery, and summer cottage needs sold at the stalls in the bazaar courtyard opening to the square are very popular. While bars with music are frequented by young people, the scenic tea gardens along the coast are places where families spend time until bedtime comes. In Altınoluk, liveliness is experienced not only along the beach but also in the interior. Markets are full and empty, those who come to see the old Altınoluk houses take their favorite compositions on their cameras and take a break in the cafes and tea gardens. At the end of the summer season, in September, the sea is almost asleep and becomes clear enough to read a newspaper at the bottom.

Those who participate in jeep tours to Kaz Mountain and Assos go on boat tours to Bozcaada and the beaches on other days.

What to eat, what to buy?

Fish such as sardines, whiting, extra virgin olive oil dishes and Vardar ice cream’s ice cream made with mastic, cinnamon and natural fruit varieties are among the must-tastes.

It can be bought from elegantly packaged olive oils as a gift.

How to go?

You can go to Altınoluk from Istanbul via Bursa-Balıkesir-Havran, or you can choose Tekirdağ-Çanakkale road. This road view is nice, less traffic and 450 kilometers.



Akçay, located on the innermost shore of Edremit Gulf, 9 kilometers from Edremit district center of Balıkesir province, has been sailing Küçükkuyu on one side, Altınoluk on one side and Ören and Gümeç on the other and Lesbos island on the other.

What can you see?

The region, with its healing waters, clean sea and breezy air, has made it among the first choices of middle-aged and older families as well as young people. All the streets behind the public beaches are continuous and full of houses with gardens facing each other; Those who live in residences with more accommodation facilities have turned the region into a retirement paradise.

When they come to the harbor, they come across the statue of Sarıkız who is famous for the legend of Sarıkız in the Kaz Mountains in the wide area called Cumhuriyet Square. The statue is located in an ornamental pool full of water, money is thrown at a request, and it preserves its indigenous symbolism, where tourists coming to Akçay definitely take photos. Most of the streets are full of seasonal shopping stands. The gardens and cafes lined side by side along the beach respond to an important need as a place for those who watch around while drinking tea and coffee, sitting in the shade in the windy weather with natural air conditioning all day long. Akçay S.S. Boat tours organized by the Maritime Transport Cooperative start at 11:00 in the morning. Daily jeep safari tours organized to Kaz Mountains under the supervision of professional forest guides are very popular. Located in Zeytinli, 7 kilometers from Akçay, Hasan Boğdür Recreation Area is the favorite of picnickers. Pouring from a height of 15 meters, Sütven Waterfall is in demand for both safarists and picnickers, where they can enjoy the water by swimming and watching.

Located within the borders of Güre, 6 kilometers from Akçay, Pınarbaşı Recreation Area is a favorite of picnickers.



Bağırganlı, a village in Kocaeli’s Kandıra district, is located on the coast between Ağva and Kerpe.

What can you do?

The rocks, which resemble chess pieces, give you the feeling of being in a fantastic place. Watching the combative character of the sea, the geometric figures carved on the rocks, walking on the secret paradise Bağırganlı beach with semolina-like beach sand, sunbathing, swimming in the salty sea that does not require much opening without a shower, and cycling are among the things you can do. For photography enthusiasts, nature with rich compositions offers convenient tracks for motorcycle and ATV enthusiasts.

Fishing, boat trips in favorable weather are some of the other alternatives. Bağırganlı has acquired a large fishermen’s shelter built in recent years. Going fishing in the Black Sea with the friendships you will establish with fishermen can take its place among unforgettable memories. Especially, the flood of bluefish that started in early September, when the fish ban ended, allows you to witness how delicious fish the less salty sea offers. In the coffee restaurant in the fishermen’s shelter, you can make a bread break from the fish that just came out of the sea and eat the smell of the sea against the sea at the breakwater.


Apart from the summers, there are a few accommodation facilities with low bed capacity. Apart from the camp and caravan area, other alternatives are found in places such as Ağva, Kerpe and Cebeci. It seems that it is still resisting the bloody construction.

What to buy

Village bread has an affordable taste at the return.



When you proceed in the direction of Istanbul-Tekirdağ and return to Keşan, you will encounter a completely different atmosphere on your way to Gelibolu. The soils and wind that smell of history will create a shiver in you. The silence and solitude increase even more as one enters into Gallipoli Historical National Park.

What can you do?

In this region where Turks and enemy forces suffered thousands of casualties in wars, you first encounter a lagoon lake while you pass the Küçük Anafartalar Village and go to Büyük Kemikli Cape. Visitors to the lake are swans, wild ducks and geese, and occasionally flamingos. A beautiful bay welcomes you in the direction you go on the asphalt road next to the lake and reach the beach. Tuzla Bay is sand throughout. The ground continues for meters in the shallow sea. There is not a single stone in it. The sea is cold; but it does not burn due to its low salt content. You can’t get enough of opening your eyes in the water and watching the true shades of blue. Clarity reaches out as far as it can get. The air here is clean, windy, full of oxygen and iodine, and it smells of thyme. The most important feature of Saroz, which is one of the rare seas in the world, is that it carries what it brings to the shore in the southwest. For this reason, Saroz is called one of the three seas with self-cleaning properties. In addition, the absence of construction in the Saroz Bay is protected as a practice area and the absence of a river flowing into the bay makes the sea clean. Eyewitnesses of history have patiently embroidered the monumental rocks, hand in hand with the stubborn wind, the waves of the winter. Some of them look like sculptures, some are perforated like a sponge. If you go a little further along the coast, you will arrive at the fishermen’s shelter called Büyük Kemikli Cape, Küçük Anafartalar Bay (Gâvur Harbor). The area called “Perforated Stone” in the bay is beautiful enough to make a difference to similar ones. There are several fishing huts around the Perforated Stone. Majestik 28, sunk by the Turkish artillery in World War I, Landi is located in this region on a large ship lying at 29 meters and 70 meters.

Two damaged Turkish cannons used in the Battle of Çanakkale can be seen in the area with cypress trees opposite the fountain at the entrance of Küçük Anafartalar Village. The monuments, museums, martyrdoms, lighthouses, Gallipoli and Eceabat districts in the national park can be seen and delicious canned sardines are among the top places to buy.



Located within the borders of Çanakkale province, Babakale is the farthest point in the west of the Asian continent with its secluded, calm, relaxing and clean air. Babakale, the last castle of the Ottoman period, where the sun sets with a very different view throughout the year, is also a paradise for seafood.

What can you see?

The history of the historical fishing village dates back to 1723. Babakale, which was established on this date, has beauties that cause you to travel to time with its magnificent castle bearing the traces of the period, ancient waterways, mosque, bath, fountain where the Ottoman navy supplied water while going on a voyage, and its grand plane tree.

Ak Liman, the beach of Babakale, is located in the bay surrounded by Bababurnu. Excavations have not yet been carried out in the natural harbor where the ruins of the ancient city of Hamaxitos are located. There is a unique beautiful sand on the beach, where the sea season is experienced between May and November. Swiss geologists, in their examination on the shore, stated that due to the structural characteristics of the sand, there is no soil, which is called zero mileage, and that algae and sea urchins could not shelter. Those who go to sand cure by lying in different places for five minutes in summer on the fine sand that does not stick to the body, benefit from the thermal spa type after 21 days.

Another healing place is Kestanbol Hot Springs, founded by Alexander the Great, on the Gürpınar road 16 kilometers away from Ezine. Kestanbol Hot Springs in Alexandria Troia are good for many ailments such as rheumatism, sciatica, rheumatoid and calcification.

Various motels and restaurants provide service in Babakale and Akliman. Babakale, located on the passage of fish, is an ideal place to enter the fish cure. You can also sweeten your table with Ezine full-fat white cheese.


Those departing from Istanbul in the direction of Thrace by private car can reach Babakale from Ezine via Gürpınar road or Ayvacık Behram after passing by ferryboats departing from Gallipoli to Çanakkale.



Çayağzı, a charming village of the Kapıdağ Peninsula, is almost within reach of the people of Marmara if they reach out. It still preserves its virginity with its bays that will rival our southern coasts, few remaining Greek houses and fertile soil. The old name of the village, which is 4 hours from sea or land, is Şahinburgaz.

Although the village of Kapıdağ Peninsula facing Marmara in Balıkesir province is famous for its red onion, air, fishermen and olives, it could not make its voice heard sufficiently due to being under the shadow of Erdek for a long time. Thanks to the advantage of being on the peninsula, the village has delicious fruits, vegetables and dairy products thanks to the moist wind and the fertile wetland soil. Nowadays, the fisherman’s shelter also provides marina services to domestic and foreign boats that sail to the Marmara Sea, make a blue voyage to the Marmara on the Kapıdağ Peninsula or sail to the Aegean. The boat owners who spend the night in the shelter enjoy the happiness of being in a natural village and finding village products on site.

What can you do?

In the village of Çayağzı, natural sand beaches follow each other along the coast with all their virginity and astonish the audience as they surround the peninsula. As if to the Mediterranean coves, the beaches, the scrubs in the background mingle with the dizzying smells of wild plants, especially in the spring.

In the immediate vicinity.

Erdek-connected Ekinlik Island, Pasa Harbor, Avşa, Marmara Island, Edincik, Bandırma and Bird Paradise Lake Manyas are other alternatives that are not far from at all. But there are many places to visit and see closer to Erdek. The most important of these is the ruins of a ruined church, which can be reached from Aşağı Yapıcı Village, known as Monastery. Maybe those who go to the monastery will be in an environment where they can live in nature, fresh air and green, even if they cannot see much. The road is perfect for both motor and auto cross-riders, especially horse riding. Sometimes the forest, the rolling hills, the plains and the bends make us say that this is not the best for safari. The venues offer satisfactory objects for photographic camera enthusiasts as well as safari tours.

There are travelers who tour the Kapıdağ Peninsula starting from Erdek, love to explore and see new places, as well as those who start the tour from Çayağzı Village. It is poetic to watch the sunset over the Marmara Sea from every point in the village.


Apart from seasonal rented houses, there are no accommodation facilities for short holidays in Çayağzı Village.

What to eat?

The options to eat are not rich. Fish can be eaten, fish’s plate friend red onion can be bought, seated in tea gardens, picnic and boat trips can be done.



Çatalca is one of the most important windpipes of Istanbul. The rush of the city, the accumulation of stress, the escape point for those who are overwhelmed by the huge main city’s intertwined residences, a picnic garden, nature and peace shelter.

What can you do?

Those who want to run to the seaside, who want to settle by the stream or in the forest. Those who settle in hotels on the weekends surrender themselves to a different atmosphere as soon as they get out of their vehicles, while campers set up their tents, some realize that they have a rest during the day or during the holiday.


If you set off from Istanbul to experience all these stories, you come to the Çatalca road junction with a 30-40 minute comfortable journey from the normal road or the highway, returning over Büyükçekmece Lake you left behind and enter the district center. The first thing that catches your attention is the abundance of barbecues selling picnic items at the shops and stalls on the road. Subaşı Village, which is famous for its picnic areas, namely caves, 9 kilometers from Çatalca, and Inceğiz Caves Picnic Area, which serves all year from the Çatalca exit, welcomes those who enter 2 kilometers from the 8th kilometer of the road. The caves, located at the beginning of the paid entrance picnic area, can be visited with a comfortable climb. At the center of Yalıköy, turn right next to the bus stop and go to another nature shelter. This is Çilingoz, the meeting point of the sea, lake, stream, forest and coastal rocks, with its geography that can be reached by 13 kilometers of usable dusty dirt road towards Kıyıköy, and is the favorite of campers. Meatball restaurants and tea gardens, where all the needs of the campers are met, as well as sitting, catching fish in the creek, making forest trips, sunbathing and swimming on the beach can be done without leaving Istanbul.



Karaburun is a fishing village that has been hidden for years on the Black Sea coast, an hour away from Istanbul. Karaburun Village, which is famous for its lighthouse in Çatalca district, has beauty and features that will make you say “I must come again” while leaving the village with its historical mosque, fountain, unparalleled beautiful beaches, delicious seafood, iodine-laden air, port views to be painted and many more attractive facilities. .

What can you do?

Daily visitors fill the iodine-scented sea air into their lungs in the fresh air, without spending much money, and leave the troubles aside in a short time. Those who come for vacation can meet these needs in the most economical conditions. The village is well maintained, spread over a wide area, there is no slum, the roads inside the village are covered with properly interlocking cobblestone. People are hospitable, in their own right, you are not alienated, you do not experience stress, you do not get tense, and you adapt to the environment in a short time.

The village and its surroundings provide opportunities for many activities as a location. It has in-forest tracks with pine trees for walking and jogging. There are plenty of opportunities for those who want to paraglide and surf. You can swim in the coves with sandy beaches without land transportation, and those who are interested in environmental trips can go to Terkos Lake, Durusu and Hunting Museum. Those who want to camp can set up tents, ride bicycles and have a picnic. Moreover, those who bring their kite with them can kite and enjoy it, you fish, paint, eat, drink. There is also a must-see Karaburun lighthouse. The lighthouse served by the General Directorate of Coastal Security, Rumeli Karaburun Rescue Station is located at the end of the old castle in Karaburun. The crystal lens lantern is the third most powerful in the world in terms of luminous power. If you will come to the village for swimming in the sea season in June, July and August, first of all, because the waves, ground and air of the Black Sea differ, even if you are a very good swimmer, you should not sail more than the coasts. As of June 2008, 11 lifeguard towers have been erected along the beach. At the same time, especially in Habibler, Mahmutbey and Hadımköy, the inhabitants of these beaches come to these beaches for the need of the sea, an ambulance is waiting for possible drowning and fainting, and the gendarmerie with vehicles in the region is on duty.


While you are in Karaburun, you can visit the Wildlife Museum within the Durusu Park area. Native fish species, especially turbot, red mullet and whiting, nest on the sandy floors of sea pastures where fish are fed. With those who escape from Terkos Lake, freshwater fish come out of the sea, which can sometimes be considered as a surprise!



Departing from Kaynaşlı, which is leaning against Bolu Mountain, we will take a tour to Topuk Plateau to climb to another summit, to Topuk Pond standing like a jewel on the plateau, to Samandere Waterfall and Kuru Lake, the meeting point of mountain waters. From the center of Düzce, we travel 10 kilometers from the old E-100, which is 16 kilometers to the west. We proceed from Üç Köprü locality on the dirt road built among pine trees and come to Kuru Lake covered with reeds.

What can you do?

Young people are fishing in the sound of frogs and the Choir of birds in nature. Freshwater fish called carp and blackfish, kept with bread dough, live in the lake. There is nothing around like a fountain, buffet, toilet, but it promises beauty in the name of tourism. This time, we leave Düzce and begin to climb the Bolu Mountain ramp and come to Bakacak from Kaynaşlı. On our right is İsmail’s Meat Restaurant, and we start to climb the bends by using the asphalt road surrounded by hazelnut trees. We follow the road to the left for Dipsiz Göl village. Passing through the village, first turning left then right, we head towards Topuk Plateau. Both sides of the road are covered with beech trees and your eyes are full of green. You are advancing on the western slopes of Bolu Mountain, the village of Bıçkıyanı can be seen from the hills. Topuk Yayla Pond was built within the boundaries of Bıçkıyanı Village for the purpose of HİS. (Animal Drinking Water). The pond is fed by the spring water coming from the mountain, the surplus is released from the outlet. Paid angling for sportive purposes is carried out in the lake within two months. The climate around the lake, which is 1300 meters above sea level, allows trips from April 15 to the end of November. It is especially preferred as a convenient route for motor enthusiasts who love to travel by off-road vehicles or in nature. You may have alternative trips to Kütüklü and Sakarca plateaus and Samandere Waterfall in the region.



We are going to Maşukiye, a place preferred by residents of Istanbul, Adapazarı, Kocaeli and Bursa provinces. Maşukiye is a town in Kocaeli, which the local people say “Whoever comes here will fall in love” and named after Maşuk (lover).

What can you do?

The region looks like a paradise garden with its clean air, dense vegetation, where more than 20 different green colors can be counted, walking areas, waterfalls, cascades and springs, bird sounds mixed with the water sound. In Maşukiye, the Trout Valley, where the Yayla Creek flows through the forest, the picnic areas, restaurants and the trout production farm offer long-awaited opportunities for both resting and eating. There are 7 restaurants open all year round under the shade of plane trees, oak, hornbeam, chestnut and lime trees.

What to eat?

If you come to the region for a picnic, you pay a daily rental fee and settle into one of the wooden tables, prepare the picnic material you bring with you, light the barbecue and enjoy relaxing in the hammock you set up on the trees. Some of the restaurants with indoor and outdoor sections offer alcoholic and some non-alcoholic menus. The specialty of the restaurants that host guests until late in the evening is the dishes cooked on clay tiles brought from Bilecik-Kinik. The main ones are trout on the tile, mushroom on the tile and cheese. Meatballs and chicken are other options. Those who want can go to Kartepe facilities, those who want can watch the view from the observation terraces on the road and have a picnic.

What to buy?

After the Maşukiye trip, you can buy hand-made dolls, scarecrows, wooden products, especially plums and delicious fruits. If you take a canister with you, the water you fill from the springs is worth carrying. Trout and village bread are among the other things that can be bought.



Uzunkum is one of the rare places that has not been affected by the pollution and crowd created by modernization. It owes this to its protection within the military zone. Since there is no zoning permit and land with title in the protected area, there was no unplanned construction. Uzunkum, whose name will come unfamiliar to many, is a place in Edirne’s Keşan district, a place for those who are devoted to fishing and water sports, and who do not seek electricity and comfort.

What can you do?

The right side of Uzunkum bay, which is 1700 meters long and is located on 200 decares of land, is an oak grove, tent building and camping area. It is also called the Italian Bay and Castle. There are Byzantine ruins that have not been excavated. On the left, there is another 200-meter natural bay called Between Sea. The beach is only 3 kilometers from Mecidiye Town. Those who come and get on their vehicles park the vehicles along the beach, and because they bring their vehicles with them during their stay, the vehicles are also used as homes. Those who are in love with the virginity of nature without facilities, enjoy the clean sea and the fresh air coming back from the Gulf of Edremit, breaking away from the Kaz Mountains, on the sparkling sands throughout the summer and even throughout the year. In fact, no matter what season you go, you can definitely see a few divers and amateur divers in the region. Keşan Mecidiye Town has built toilets, showers, changing cabins and tree shades as a municipal service. Entrance fee is charged for visitors coming by vehicle. In Saroz, where all kinds of fish are found, the most famous fish of the region is undoubtedly Saroz Sea Bass. The blue waters, which started to get warmer in the middle of June, continue the sea season until 15 September. Those who follow the asphalt road in the west direction from Uzunkum beach come to İbrice Port after a short while. It offers hotel, restaurant, bar, stone building accommodation with garden terrace on the İbrice road.



Our tour stop suitable for all seasons is Oylat, in Bursa’s İnegöl district with its healing nature. The valley, through which Oylat stream passes by forming waterfalls, is integrated with the forest consisting of pine, hornbeam, oak, chestnut, lime, poplar, plane trees and rosehip and blackberry plants.

Hot springs

The location of thermal springs on the slope surrounded by valleys on both sides leaned its back on the continuation of Uludağ. With the calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate water it brought over a long period of time, the hot spring water formed “sediment” and formed terraces where the thermal spring was located. The canyon-like valley, located between the smoky “Sivri Kaya Hill” and the hot springs, creates a continuous fresh air corridor and pumps oxygen.

In the meantime, a leaf-covered ground, a clean air with soil scent and songbirds accompany you to a magical world. Oylat thermal spring water is included in the group of hot (Hyperthermal) oligometallic calcium sulphate and radioactive waters due to its properties. The flowing waters of Oylat Thermal Spring, with its radioactivity and other healing elements, spread to the clean air of the forest in the form of radium emanation. Thus, the thermal spring enters our body not only as a bath, but also through breathing. Its level in the blood equals the amount in the inhaled air in half an hour.

Oylat Spa water, which provides climate therapy as well as water, provides energy and vitality to the person in three-week treatments with effects that stimulate the activity of body cells and increase internal excretion.


Turning left from the roundabout at the Bursa city entrance to the Ankara direction, when you pass the road that stretches like a rope, the road curves slightly to the left and there are Oylat, Domaniç and Tavşanlı turnovers on your right. On the way to Oylat, you rise with a poetic landscape and reach Oylat via Himiye Village with a few sharp bends. The distance between Hot Springs and İnegöl is 27 kilometers. Minibuses start at 08:00 in the morning. İnegöl meatballs and chestnut sugar must be tasted.



Ören is a preferred holiday destination because of its easy access and wide beach, which is built on sand, sea, wind, sun rectangle, serving domestic tourism, as in other holiday centers in Edremit Bay. It was common for the goose mountains to embrace the sea. Protected as a natural protected area, it is a favorite holiday destination with its high oxygen rate, zero humid air and hot spring baths around it. Another difference of Ören is the elevation level with the sea. Due to its location overlooking the sea, its view dominating the environment is colored with tea gardens.

What can you see?

The natural vegetation in Ören has been taken under protection within the scope of Natural and Historical Site Area; Especially monumental trees such as cedar, pistachio pine and acorn oak attract the attention of visitors. The artifacts unearthed as a result of excavations in Ören, located on the Adramytteion Ancient City, are exhibited in the park in the Ören square. At the end of Ören facing İzmir side, a newly built marina, pier serves those coming from the sea. The regulars of the beaches sometimes take bicycle trips, leave themselves to the breeze against the sea and enjoy the holiday by watching the sunset feast. Those who want to participate in the activities can add color to their holiday with daily tours by sea and land. Those who visit Burhaniye and climb to Kazdağları and Madra Mountain go on safari and cool off in the waterfalls.


Daily visits to Zeytinli, Akçay, Altınoluk, Edremit or Gömeç, Pelitköy, Ayvalık, Cunda Island are an alternative for sightseeing lovers. The proximity of Ören to ancient cities is another advantage. From Ören, you can visit Troy, Assos, Behramkale, Bergama, Dikili and Çandarlı during the day.


Ören is 180 kilometers from Izmir, 400 kilometers from Istanbul, 623 kilometers from Ankara, 243 kilometers from Bursa, 93 kilometers from Balıkesir and 142 kilometers from Çanakkale. There are bus services between İzmir, Balıkesir, Burhaniye, İstanbul, Çanakkale, Bursa and Ankara at any time of the day.



Yeşilyurt Village of Çanakkale, where both sea and mountain tourism is experienced together with its dense vegetation on the slopes of Kazdağı, has a clean air like an oxygen tent. Since the wind blowing in the village comes down from Kazdağı and over the pine forests, it is a source of healing especially for asthma and heart patients. Yesilyurt Village, which is built on a slope in dense vegetation on the foothills of Kazdağı, is only 3 kilometers from the sea shore.

Why should you go?

The most important feature of this village, which is connected to Çanakkale like Ayvacık and Küçükkuyu, is that it is an oxygen tank. After the Alps, Yeşilyurt ranks second in the world ranking with around 50-55% oxygen. It is impossible to feel tired in the oxygen tent area, even after a tiring day with 3-4 hours of sleep a day you can still feel vigorous and young. Because just breathing in this fresh air is enough for your body dynamism.

The village is located at the crossing point of the wind from Kazdağı, turning over pine forests and breaking away from Altınoluk, through the creek strait. For this reason, it is a source of healing, especially for patients with asthma and heart problems. The pathways of the village create an ideal track for hikers. Due to the interest he received, many houses in the village were renovated and added decorative features. Especially in the buildings converted into boutique hotels, eye-pleasing aesthetics have been brought to the fore.

In addition to the recreational cafes and gardens, stalls selling local products were set up. Located in Yeşilyurt Village square, where Greeks once lived, the mosque draws attention with its architecture. Greek masters worked in the construction of the mosque, which resembles a church. For this reason, more church details are encountered in the building than in the mosque.


Assos, 30 kilometers from Yesilyurt Village, Behramkale, Troy, Alexandria Troias and Babakale are among the historical places to see. Adatepe Village on the Zeus Altar road, which is very close to you, leaving Yeşilyurt for a day, can also be another sightseeing place. The village, which was named after it was once surrounded by water, draws attention with its stone houses. You can visit the Olive Oil Museum on the coastal road and buy souvenirs from the sales section. To go to Mıhlıçay, follow the stabilized road for 5 kilometers next to Çaypazarı Caddesi, Selton Facilities and leave the vehicle after reaching the point where the road goes. You go down to the Mıhlıçay bed by walking from the pathway or in the field and reach the waterfall by walking 1.5 kilometers to the flow direction of the stream in company with your guide.



Umurbey, located in the Gemlik district of Bursa, is located in the south of the Marmara Region. The first thing that strikes the eye in the residential area, which is located at the foot of the Kurban Mountains, 250 meters above sea level, is the monumental tomb that can be seen from almost anywhere in the region. Umurbey, which is connected to the Bursa Yalova highway by a 3-kilometer road, can be reached by a straight ramp exit.

What can you see?

While the abundance of olive trees in the area attracts attention, those who come to the settlement area move through the various houses where the architectural texture of Bursa is observed and there is a mausoleum at the point they arrive. In the square, which has a large park area with landscaping, there is Celal Bayar Memorial Tomb as well as Celal Bayar Foundation Museum and Library. Celal in the museum where photographs, belongings and paintings are exhibited
Bayar’s medals, insignia, plaques and gifts, weapons and clothes can be seen. More than 20,000 books, writing, and the library section in the document cited as one of Turkey’s richest library. The library and museum are open to visitors on other days of the week, except Monday afternoon and Tuesday.
In the center of Umurbey, the statue of Celal Bayar, who died at the age of 103 and is known as the longest-lived statesman in the world, stands out under the monumental tree. Those who follow the square upwards come across the house where Bayar was born at the corner of the street this time. In the restored three-storey wooden museum house with traditional 19th century Ottoman house lines, you can see various items of use reflecting the same period in its original decor. During the trip to Umurbey, you can see various wooden houses, which are determined as 53, as well as Umurbey Mosque, Ottoman tombstones in Beyler cemetery, Kara Ali Pasha tomb, four monumental trees, Aytepe promenade.


How are you in a place?

The first degree protected area with its former name Trilye and new name Zeytinbagi is the red-tiled drips that stand out first in the town. You find yourself in history in Trilye, which has carried its old architectural texture to the present. In Trilye, which promises to have a different holiday every season, the churches and adjoining wooden houses draw attention while walking through the narrow streets among the architectural texture that looks like a single roof. A colorful and strong life is noticed on the street in Trilye, where there were 7 churches in the past but only three churches have reached today. Those who sip their tea in coffees delivered to the wind under the shadow of centuries-old plane trees, fountains, shops with nostalgic values ​​and mostly two and three-storey mud-brick, masonry, wooden bay window, cantilever houses reflect the Turkish style as well as Byzantine and Greek architectural examples.

What to eat and where to stay?

The world-famous Trilye olives, which have their unique taste and properties, are also grown only in these lands. The local fish of the region, mullet, flounder, tongue, whiting, turbot, swallow, sardines are eaten in restaurants along the beach. There are 19 small shops and various stalls offering local products in the newly organized Villagers Market on the Trilye coast, which is open every day. Boutique hotels and pensions provide service for accommodation.

What can you see?

For those who want to use their preference in Mudanya, the historical Mudanya Train Station, built by the French in 1849, was restored in 1989 and continued its life as a Hotel. While visiting Mudanya’s 32 monumental buildings and 239 historical mosques, which are examples of civil architecture, among its remarkably elegant historical mansions, the Mudanya Armistice House Museum is encountered.

Güzelyalı town, which is located at the entrance to Mudanya from Bursa direction, can be another alternative for your holiday.



Bin Pınarlı Kazdağı, a part of which is within the borders of Çanakkale province and whose summit is covered with snow
(Ida Mountain) is the place where the world’s first beauty contest was held and Aphrodite, the symbol of divine beauty, was chosen according to legend. According to the information obtained from the excavations, it was the venue of many Trojan wars.

In order to see the National Park and reach the edge of the waterfall, which flows madly with snow waters melting from the summit among trees so dense that you cannot see the sky, it is necessary to continue 24 kilometers on the Çanakkale-İzmir road, after Ezine, in the direction of Bayramiç.
After seeing the Kazdağı – Ida direction sign from Bayramiç, we travel 25 kilometers to Kazdağı National Park. A part of the beautiful nature shelter that makes it a real paradise is lived on the terraces, the other part is on the picnic tables set in the spaces allowed by the rocks that form the canyon.

What can you do?

Daily picnic walkable, pine, chestnut oak and fir advancing on the road between the Kazdağı only grown in this region in Turkey are faced with a flowing babbling brook after a while. When you cross the bridge over the stream, there are trout facilities on your left and a trout restaurant on your right. The region in the hairless peach production center is well-deserved for its cheeses. The short road leaving from Çanakkale İzmir road brings you to Troy ancient city area. A giant iconic model of the Wooden Horse, which played a major role in winning the Trojan War, is located at the entrance of the ruin.

Suuçtu waterfall


In Bursa, where Istanbul and Balıkesiris can spend their weekends, the “Water Fly” promenade and Tümbüldek Thermal Springs is located 13 kilometers from Mustafa Kemal Paşa district.

What can you do?

In addition to the hours you will live alone with nature in Su Uçtu, Tümbüldek Thermal Springs also heals many of your illnesses. The “Water Flew” forest recreation area is a recreation spot that fascinates visitors with its forest and waterfall. The waterfall, whose width rises to 30 meters in winter and 50 meters in the flood, also meets the drinking water of Mustafa Kemal Pasha people. Su Uçtu, which is flooded by picnickers with its wooden picnic tables and stoves, is a complete oxygen tank with its trees. It is also an effort to provide an climatic environment with both the shade of the trees and the coolness of the waterfall in summer. The sulphurous water of Tümbüldek hot springs in the region boils at 52 degrees underground. The healing water, which is perfect for heart, rheumatism, skin diseases, kidney stones, sand dropping, is also good for stomach ailments when drunk.

The most famous food dessert of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, whose name was organized for the first time in 1993. Cheese dessert is another name of the dessert made of dough made of special cheese, semolina, egg, flour and baking powder obtained from milk. You can take it with you from the dessert, which is boxed and sold in the district like pishmaniye. Another flavor is flat and large butcher meatballs.

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